God's Glory

What do we think of when we hear “crowned with glory”?  I know I think of glory using the example in Exodus 34:29 of God’s radiance being on Moses’ face after being in God’s presence, and how it wore off in time, but will never wear off of Jesus.  Radiance, honor, praise, trumpets and many angels singing; to be characterized with grandeur.  God’s glory is all that. 

But it is also something much more personal.  

Beth Moore, in her Breaking Free study, leads us through many old testament scriptures, and Hebrew meanings of words used in those scriptures to conclude that God’s glory is the way He shows Himself mighty or makes Himself known. The way He makes Himself recognizable to us.  She then led us through many new testament scriptures, and the Greek meanings of words to conclude that we glorify God to the degree that we externalize the internal presence of the living Christ. The way He makes Himself recognizable through us.

Isaiah 43:7 says “everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made.”  

Being created for God’s glory, 
and crowned with God’s glory, 
means God wants to make Himself recognizable
to us and through us. 

And it is just like our Perfect Creator God to create for His glory the greatest gift He has ever given any of us, His Son, Jesus Christ, through whom God is recognizable to us, and makes it possible through His living Holy Spirit within us, to be recognizable through us.

So when we say we follow His ways for His glory, we are saying we take action on our beliefs so that God is made known to us and through us!
