Credits - Revealed in the Law

Credits for Revealed in the Law Study

The following people and their noted resources are to be praised for their good work, and upon whose shoulders I stand.  We are stronger and more accurate in community.  Thank you to the following:

Revealed in the Law - Introduction

(1.1) Hill, Andrew E., and John H. Walton. A Survey of the Old Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2009.  Chapter 8: Deuteronomy, pp.162-176, 14 pages.  It is from their outline that this entire study came about.  They give credit for this insight to how the Deuteronomic text is structured to the 1979 work of Stephen Kaufman.

(1.2) From class lectures on the Pentateuch and narratives by Dr. James Coakley in Old Testament History at Moody Theological Seminary, Chicago, IL.

(1.3) Todd, James M. Sinai and the Saints: Reading Old Covenant Laws for the New Covenant Community (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic), 2017, 82.

(1.4) This insight came to me through Rev. Dr. Paul Detterman, my current home church pastor. 

(1.5) Ibid, chapter 6 "'Thou Shalt Not Remove Them:' What About the Ten Commandments?" contains an excellent argument of why Christians are no longer under the Ten Commandments as well as the rest of the Sinai Covenant.

(1.6) Ibid, chapter 8 "Why Should We Read the Laws?" contains a very helpful analysis of what lessons we can learn from the laws.

(1.7) Todd, 127.

(1.8) Fee, Gordon D., and Douglas Stuart, How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth, Fourth Edition (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan), 2014, 180.

Revealed in the Law - Some Background

(2.1) Walton, John H. Ancient Israelite Literature in its Cultural Context: A Survey of Parallels Between Biblical and Ancient Near East Texts (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan), 1989, 69.

(2.2) Meade, John D. 2014. "Circumcision of the heart in Leviticus and Deuteronomy: divine means for resolving curse and bringing blessing." The Southern Baptist Journal Of Theology 18, no. 3: 59-85. ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, EBSCOhost (accessed November 4, 2017).

(2.3) Walton, 233.

(2.4)  Gane, Roy E. Old Testament Law for Christians, (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic), 2017, 43.

(2.5) Ibid, 44.

Revealed in the Law - The Decalogue (The Ten Commandments)

(3.1) Hill and Walton, 168-174.

(3.2) Ibid., 172.

Revealed in the Law - Commandment 1

(4.1) Gane, 242.

(4.2) "Ten Commandments," in Dictionary of Scripture and Ethics, ed. Joel Green (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2011), 773.

(4.3) Hill and Walton, 411.

(4.4) Todd, 149-151.  For a more detailed analysis of Solomon's failure to keep the Law.

(4.5) Hill and Walton, 170.

Revealed in the Law - Commandment 2

(5.1) Gane, 244.

(5.2) "History of Cosmology," University of Oregon, accessed September 20, 2017, 

(5.3) Hill and Walton, 170.

(5.4) Douglas K. Stuart, Exodus, vol. 2, The New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2006), 537 (Exodus 23:18-19).

(5.5)  Thrasher, Bill D. God as He Wants You to Know Him. Moody Publishers: Chicago, IL, 2012. 272 pages.  Kindle.

Revealed in the Law - Commandment 3

(6.1) Hill and Walton, 171.

(6.2) Gane, 247.

(6.3) Ibid.

Revealed in the Law - Commandment 4

(7.1) Gane, 252.

(7.2) Wilson H. Kimnach, Kenneth P. Minkema, and Douglas A. Sweeney, ed., The Sermons of Jonathan Edwards: A Reader (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1999), 74–75.

(7.3) From class lectures on the Pentateuch and narratives by Dr. James Coakley in Old Testament History at Moody Theological Seminary, Chicago, IL.

(7.4) Hill and Walton, 172.

Revealed in the Law - Commandment 5

(8.1) Hill and Walton, 172.

(8.2) Stuart, 461 (Exodus 20:12).

(8.3) Gane, 258.

(8.4) Ibid.

(8.5) Gane, 258 and Hill and Walton, 172.

(8.6) Hill and Walton, 173.

Revealed in the Law - Commandments 6-8

(9.1) Hill and Walton, 173-174.

(9.2) Gane, 261.

(9.3) Hill and Walton, 173.

(9.4) Ibid., 173-174.

(9.5) Ibid., 174.

(9.6) Gane, 272.

(9.7) Birch, Bruce C. 1994, "Moral Agency, Community, and the Character of God in the Hebrew Bible," Semeia 66, page 30, ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials, EBSCOhost (accessed November 3, 2017).

Revealed in the Law - Commandment 9

(10.1) Gane, 275-276.

(10.2) Ibid., 276.

(10.3) Hill and Walton, 174.

(10.4) Gane, 277.

Revealed in the Law - Commandment 10

(11.1)  Gane, 278.

(11.2) Ibid.

(11.3) Ibid., 279.

(11.4) Hill and Walton, 174.

Revealed in the Law - Conclusion

(12.1) For an incredible in-depth study on the character of God, read God as He Wants You to Know Him by Bill D. Thrasher.  Thank you Dr. Thrasher for teaching me how to see the character of God in His Word so that I may teach others!

(12.2) From class lectures on the Pentateuch and narratives by Dr. James Coakley in Old Testament History at Moody Theological Seminary, Chicago, IL.

Last updated: Jan 5, 2018