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Revealed in the Law - Introduction

Why is it so challenging to read through the Book of the Law - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy?   What is God trying to tell us about Himself and us with all those genealogies, sacrifices and rules?   Does any of it still apply to me as a modern day Christian or if I'm still seeking answers? If you have asked any of these questions, or are simply someone seeking to know more about the Bible, I encourage you to read on - you're in for a God-sized treat! This study became a reality while taking a seminary class in Old Testament (OT) History.  It was in this class that I learned to apply proper literary interpretation methods, like genre analysis and literary types, to get at the heart of the ancient Hebrew writings - and therefore at the heart of God Himself.  There are many people whose work I have read and studied to be able to better understand what I'm about to summarize for you about a very small, but foundational, part of the Old Testament

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